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When SEO sites are heated with the issue of constant unannounced site ranking algorithms, Google’s Search Liaison- Danny Sullivan posted on Twitter that Google’s seo advice to get a high ranking remains the same as it was in 2002. Make the website user-friendly and not SEO-friendly post suggested. So let’s see if this is correct-
Google’s Basic Principle from 2002
Google’s Basic Principle Now, Two Decades Later-
In this Tweet by Google Search Liaison, someone questioned “if something is brewing?” on replaying to this let’s see what they said-
In reply to this tweet, Google Search Liaison replied-
Oh well! This is associated with the Twitter post of Search Liaison of Google but the question is do the website owner feel the same way? Well, we believe NO because there is enormous chatter going on about search engine algorithm changes and many famous publishers and website owners feel quite contradicted by this.
Even one user wrote- “Crawled but not indexed is the status of 50% of my website. So I read about it and an advice was to make your content more useful. Then came across another website which had scrapped data off from my website and had published it ditto on their’s. Same page, same data but Google considers it non useful on my website but rewards another for simply plagiarising it. Sometimes it feels that Google is not fully cognizant of the scale of its technology.”
One other user said- “BS “Prinicples”. None of them “rank” content “A” and content “B” in any way. Thier real “principales” are intentinally confusing so they can change the algorithm as much as they want. I respect all moral “principles”, but they don’t work. I have a website from 2015, and I’ve got penalized like 4 times. And I used no Seo bs at all. This is why I promsed I will ever work with Google again, in any way.”
Source: https://www.seroundtable.com/google-core-seo-advice-unchanged-35676.html

When SEO sites are heated with the issue of constant unannounced site ranking algorithms, Google’s Search Liaison- Danny Sullivan posted on Twitter that Google’s seo advice to get a high ranking remains the same as it was in 2002. Make the website user-friendly and not SEO-friendly post suggested. So let’s see if this is correct-
Google’s Basic Principle from 2002
Google’s Basic Principle Now, Two Decades Later-
In this Tweet by Google Search Liaison, someone questioned “if something is brewing?” on replaying to this let’s see what they said-
In reply to this tweet, Google Search Liaison replied-
Oh well! This is associated with the Twitter post of Search Liaison of Google but the question is do the website owner feel the same way? Well, we believe NO because there is enormous chatter going on about search engine algorithm changes and many famous publishers and website owners feel quite contradicted by this.
Even one user wrote- “Crawled but not indexed is the status of 50% of my website. So I read about it and an advice was to make your content more useful. Then came across another website which had scrapped data off from my website and had published it ditto on their’s. Same page, same data but Google considers it non useful on my website but rewards another for simply plagiarising it. Sometimes it feels that Google is not fully cognizant of the scale of its technology.”
One other user said- “BS “Prinicples”. None of them “rank” content “A” and content “B” in any way. Thier real “principales” are intentinally confusing so they can change the algorithm as much as they want. I respect all moral “principles”, but they don’t work. I have a website from 2015, and I’ve got penalized like 4 times. And I used no Seo bs at all. This is why I promsed I will ever work with Google again, in any way.”
Source: https://www.seroundtable.com/google-core-seo-advice-unchanged-35676.html