John Mueller of Google tells a frustrated website owner, once in a while there’s no SEO solution that will make a website rank better in search results.
This is stated on Reddit in a reply to a tread titled: “If I hire an SEO expert service would they be able to find out what’s wrong with my website and help me improve it?”
The website owner gives further details in the thread, saying they lost all traffic to their website more than six years prior.
“I just blog, I don’t do any coding or anything, I don’t do link building either,” the site owner writes.
Since they’re not effectively utilizing any website search engine optimisation, they’re wondering if an SEO expert could assist with bringing their traffic back.
In a response, the website owner may not want hear, Mueller states that SEO will not help in all cases.
What Do You Mean SEO Won’t Help?
Considering the website being referred to lost its traffic six years prior, it actually has not recovered and recuperated, Mueller says SEO probably won’t help.
That is not a result of Google penalties or technical issues, as they can be remedied with SEO.
Mueller suggests this website’s strategy may now be obsolete:
“One of the things to keep in mind is that it’s possible that there’s just no SEO solution. 6 years is a long time, and the web + Google News + everything around it has evolved quite a bit.
Sometimes it’s not a technical issue, sometimes it’s not something you can fix by just “buying a bunch of links”, sometimes it’s just that the site strategy is now obsolete.”
A website’s strategy may grow stale for quite a few reasons, a considerable lot of which are outside the website’s control.
wAs Mueller states, life evolves altogether in six years’ time. That is long enough for topics to lose importance, relevancy and information to get obsolete as well as outdated.
In the event that a website publishes content that individuals no longer care about, no amount of SEO will help it.
The same goes for websites that sell old products, as Mueller gives an illustration of a website selling VHS tapes.
A website could be following every SEO best practice, yet it doesn’t make any difference if no one is looking for it.
“You can have a fantastic website, make it super-fast, have “high authority & trustworthiness” (however you want to define that), but if you’re selling VHS cassettes, you’re going to have a bad time. It’s more obvious when there’s a physical product involved, but if content is your product, it applies just as well.”
It’s uncommon for Googlers to deter and dissuade individuals from looking for help with SEO, which offers Mueller’s remark on the Reddit thread notable.
This is a significant point to consider at times. In the event that a website continues to lose traffic, regardless of your earnest attempts and best efforts, is it an issue with SEO or is the world moving on?