On July 1, Google announced that it has started to roll out the July 2021 core update. We realized we would soon see another core update, and Google delivered this one a month after the June 2021 core update – which launched on June 2, 2021. This one seems to have begun pretty strong and many are seeing enormous changes with this update.
Some think what we saw on June 30th through July 1, first may be related to the release of the core update. Be that as it may, on the off chance that I would ask Google, they would say no, on the grounds that this core update just began yesterday – not two days before.
This update appears to have kicked off pretty quickly with a lot of chatter in the previous 12 hours or so and the tools are showing changes. More of what we are seeing in the what we’re seeing section of this story. I should take note of, the June core update was extremely slow to begin, unlike this July core update.
Danny Sullivan under the Search Liaison Twitter account posted “the July 2021 Core Update, recently announced, is currently rolling out.” Danny added that “these commonly require 1 to 2 weeks to wrap up.” Normally they require entire fourteen days, yet the June core update ran on June 2 and ended on June 12th – a 10 day period.
Here is the tweet announcing this rollout:
This core update, similar to the other core updates, is a worldwide update impacting all languages across all regions.
Two-Part Update: June and July Core Updates
As a reminder, Google said it released a core update in June on June 2, through June 12, and planned to push out another core update next month – called the July 2021 core update, which occurred on July 1. For what reason didn’t Google release both at the same time? Google said not all of the pieces are prepared for that, so they pushed out what is prepared in June with the June 2021 core update and afterward released this July core update as the last parts are now ready to be released for the July 2021 core update.
What isn’t prepared? I asked Google and Google would not say. Google said that if your site rankings change with June 2021 core update, you may see a reversal or shift (or not) with the July 2021 core update. I can’t help thinking about how many sites will see changes that saw changes with the June update?
I had this cute graphic made of the recent updates, I did not include all the unconfirmed updates in the graphic or the predator update since it was really specific (click to enlarge it):
The previous core update was a month ago on June 2, named the June 2021 core update. The one before that was a half year before the June update, on December 3, 2020, named the December 2020 core update. Before that was a 7-month gap, where on May 4, 2020, the May 2020 core update. The one before that was on January 13, 2020, the January 2020 core update and the one before that was on September 24, 2019, the September 2019 core update. Oh, before that was on June 3, 2019, the June 2019 core update, and I can go on and on.
Improve After a Core Update
Did you get hit by this update, Google offered our advice on core updates and how to further improve your site your site overall after seeing a negative outcome after a core update. Google reiterated that in this tweet:
Google also posted a new blog post on how and why Google does these updates. Google wrote “because there are so many incremental updates, it’s not useful for us to share details about all of them. However, we try to do so when we feel there is actionable information that site owners, content producers, or others might consider applying, as was the case with both of the updates mentioned above.”
SEO Chatter: What We Are Seeing
Remember, there is chatter from the June 30th through July 1 update that may be unrelated to this update. Yet, there is renewed chatter from the previous 20 hours or so, at both WebmasterWorld and Black Hat World.
I also asked on Twitter what people are seeing and you can see the thread of responses on Twitter.
Search Tracking Tools:
Of the tools that are updated for this morning, they all are showing pretty big changes. I’ll update them as the day goes on. Here are what the tracking tools that have been updated this morning are showing so far: