As you can see in this example, shared by reverse engineering expert, Jane Manchun Wong, the new layout extends the entire width of the feed, which, truly, gives it a touch to a greater degree a Facebook vibe, however it shows improvement over the current tweet image presentation.
Also, clearly, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey agrees. He posted this reaction to Wong’s original tweet sharing her discovery.
Which is a tacit confirmation that it is coming, which could be a significant change to note for your tweeted images as well as processes, to ensure that you maximise the extra width, when it becomes available.
On another front, Twitter’s additionally given users some new hope around tweet editing, with Product Lead Kayvon Beykpour posing this question in a tweet poll.
Twitter’s been discussing this possible addition for quite a long time, with Dorsey himself clarifying how it may function in an interview with Joe Rogan in 2019.
“So when you send a tweet it goes to the world instantaneously. You can’t take it back. You could build it as such so maybe we introduce a 5-second to 30-second delay in the sending. And within that window, you can edit. The issue with going longer than that is it takes that real-time nature of the conversational flow out of it”
Beykpour is talking minutes with this new iteration, however the thought is something similar, which could become a possible addition for its Twitter Blue subscription offering that is at present available to users in Canada and Australia.
Twitter Blue already offers an ‘undo send’ option, which enables users to retract their sent tweets within up to 30 seconds of posting. Would editing, within a broader time, enhance the option considerably more?
Somely, it’s intriguing to see Twitter proceeding to explore groundbreaking ideas for its monetization tools, however in others, it seems like it’s throwing up every idea that it can, in the hope that somewhere around a couple of things stick. Just last year, Dorsey said that tweet editing was not coming, which seemed to be the end – however the way that it’s now resurrecting that discussion seems like, perhaps Twitter’s running out of ideas to entice individuals to pay for its stuff.
Or maybe, it’s just going to leave no stone left unturned. The platform’s management is under pressure to improve its results, after years of relative stagnation, and it’s set some ambitious growth targets that it likely needs to meet – or it’s quite possible that Dorsey and Co. will be ousted by the company board.
Or then again perhaps, it’s simply going to leave no stone left unturned. The stage’s administration is feeling the squeeze to work on its outcomes, following quite a while of relative stagnation, and it’s set some eager development focuses on that it likely necessities to meet – or it’s very conceivable that Dorsey and Co. will be expelled by the organization board.
Perhaps, then, at that point, Twitter needs to throw the kitchen sink at its new subscription tools. What’s more, perhaps, potentially, tweet editing could be the key lure that gets more individuals in.
In any case, it probably doesn’t suggest that individuals are flocking to Twitter Blue just yet.
Lastly, Twitter has additionally added another auto captions option for voice tweets.
Remember those two days when voice tweets were a thing, then, at that point everyone forgot that they even existed? Well, they still serve elements of Twitter’s user base, and captions will give another way to facilitate expanded utilization.